AAFS 2025
NIJ's Forensic Science Operational Needs Assessment: Tell Us What YOU Need!
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
BCC 301
Pursuant to the March 2024 Joint Explanatory Statement for the Commerce, Science, Justice, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, the National Institute of Justice, in collaboration with its Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (FTCOE), is working towards an operational needs assessment on projected workload, backlog, personnel, workforce, resources, necessary turnaround times for law enforcement officers and officers of the court, and equipment needs of forensic science providers and forensic medical service providers. This upcoming report will be subsequent to the 2019 Report to Congress: Needs Assessment of Forensic Laboratories and Medical Examiner/Coroner Offices.
To provide a comprehensive and meaningful needs assessment, we need input across the forensic community to understand challenges forensic science service providers encounter in their daily operations — as well as promising practices to overcome these challenges. In addition to scientists and laboratory leadership, perspectives from researchers, students, private sector, legal/judicial, and law enforcement, which all rely on the operational performance of forensic science, are warmly welcomed. This is intended to be a drop-in session during a two-hour opportunity where we will provide opportunities to review insights and themes captured, discuss key topics, and provide direct input. Please consider making time between your sessions to collectively improve our understanding of forensic science operational challenges and drive towards an improved future!
If possible, please indicate your interest to participate at the following 3-question link (note you are welcome to attend without completing this as well): https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/fd25152412a04d719482f5e73302c099).