Membership in the Forensic Engineering & Applied Sciences Section
During this year of 2021, the section chair has proposed to the E&AS Section members their adoption of the theme, "Forging fellowship." The intent of "Forging fellowship" is to encourage members to get to know more about one another's expertise and experience. It is to inform members through this greater knowledge that there are opportunities to bring fellow members into our cases and projects as complementary or supplementary experts. And, finally, "Forging fellowship" is being encouraged in order to strengthen our relationships as professional colleagues and friends.
Engineering & Applied Sciences Membership Requirements
*Applicants should understand which requirements they have to meet to determine which entry level status they may join.
Disciplines of Forensic Engineering
The Engineering & Applied Sciences Section members practice in more than a hundred disciplines, categories and topics wherein they engage in research, education, practice or management in one of the natural, physical or forensic sciences.
- Accident reconstruction
- ADA building & site accessibility analysis
- Aviation mishaps
- Bioengineering
- Building diagnostics
- Contaminated sites
- Crime scene reconstruction
- Electrocution
- Equestrian safety
- Ergonomics
- Fire dynamics modeling
- Forensic linguistics
- Highway safety crash analysis
- Human factors
- Improvised explosive devices
- Industrial & environmental hygiene
- Intellectual property & patents
- Machine design, finite system & failure analysis
- Manufacturer standards
- Marine & offshore installations
- Materials failure
- Mathematical modeling
- Mechanics of injury
- Metallurgical failure
- Mining & mountaineering accidents
- Nuclear forensics
- Patent disputes
- Pedestrian accident reconstruction
- Premises liability
- Product defects
- Radioactivity
- Reverse engineering
- Shale drilling/fracking
- Slip, trip & fall pedestrian accidents
- Stabbing, characterizing of tool marks
- System engineering & safety
- Unknown particles analysis
- Vehicle crash & rollover, static & dynamic testing, crashworthiness
- Weapons systems, trajectory, pressure & velocity analysis
- Witness statement analysis
Section Leadership

Recent Engineering & Applied Sciences Section News
All AAFS Sections
AAFS is organized into 12 sections that encompass many forensic science disciplines. AAFS is honored to have more than 6,500 members from around the globe.