OSAC Human Biology Task Group Research Needs, Standards and Training Survey
The Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC) Human Biology Task Group is seeking your help disseminating a web-based survey regarding current research needs, standards, and training in the forensic biology community. This survey, sponsored by OSAC, is being conducted by Drs. Nadja Schreiber Compo (Florida International University) and Michael Marciano (Syracuse University). This survey will aid the OSAC Human Biology Task Group in: (1) identifying the most practitioner-relevant research needs in the forensic biology community, (2) generating new standards or training documents based on practitioner feedback, and (3) understanding and identifying future training needs.
The survey will take approximately 30-60 minutes. Participation requires that you are at least 18 years of age or older. Participation in this survey is fully voluntary and all responses will be anonymous. There is no compensation for completing the survey. If you have questions about the survey, please contact Dr. Nadja Schreiber Compo at schreibe@fiu.edu.
To access the survey, participants will use the following link:
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