CFSO Is Looking for Help

Source: Kenneth E. Melson, JD, AAFS/CFSO Liaison

The Consortium of Forensic Science Organizations (CFSO) educates Congress and Executive Branch leaders in matters of mutual interest to CFSO's seven forensic science member organizations. The purpose is to influence public policy at the national level and to make a compelling case for greater federal funding for public crime laboratories and medical examiner/coroner offices. A visit to the CFSO website ( will illustrate the work and influence it had last year regarding forensic science-related federal legislation. 

CFSO is now looking for a volunteer who can assist the volunteer CFSO Board members' work on forensic science legislation, advocacy preparation, government budget tracking, and newsletters. This is a great learning experience for forensic scientists at all levels of experience and in any discipline. The person selected will work closely with the CFSO government relations expert and Board members and is expected to attend semimonthly virtual board meeting and the annual meeting of the CFSO during the AAFS annual conference. Room and board assistance will be provided for the day of the CFSO public meeting and the CFSO annual meeting, occurring on Monday and Tuesday of the AAFS Annual Conference week. Please send in your interest to Ken Melson, AAFS representative on the CFSO, at He will also be attending the Academy conference to meet with interested parties.  


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