Apply for AAFS Membership in the Jurisprudence Section by the October 1 Deadline!

Source: J.D. Schmid, JD, Section Secretary

As the AAFS website reveals, AAFS ". . . is a multidisciplinary professional organization that provides leadership to advance science and its application to the legal system." The benefits of membership are many and include networking with experts from your own profession or other forensic science disciplines. Joining the AAFS creates opportunities to exchange ideas with leaders in the forensic sciences, keep abreast of developments in science and in the law, and follow trends such as the use of standards and emerging technologies.

The Jurisprudence Section is composed of lawyers and judges who are involved in forensic science issues in their professional lives. A primary focus is on the admissibility of forensic science evidence in criminal and civil court proceedings and the implementation of Daubert standards in the courts. Our section welcomes new members.

Most people join our section as an Associate Member (generally those who are involved with the forensic sciences and have a law degree or a license to practice law). Our section also welcomes Student Affiliates (law school students or those in an approved "Law Reading" program leading to qualification for taking the Bar examination), and Trainee Affiliates (those with law degrees or who are otherwise qualified to take the Bar examination or have a license in good standing to practice law, and who are fulfilling the experience requirement to become an Associate Member of the Jurisprudence Section).

AAFS offers two opportunities annually for prospective new members to apply. We are currently in the Fall Cycle, which opened July 1 and closesOctober 1. Applicants will be notified of the review decision on approximately April 1.

To learn about the requirements for membership or promotion, go to and click the "Membership" link at the top of the page, then select "Membership Requirements" from the drop-down menu. In the middle of this webpage are links that open the Academy-wide requirements for each status category. At the bottom of the page is a drop-down menu from which you can select your section.

Once you have reviewed the AAFS, Section, and status requirements in detail, you are ready to begin the application process. If reference letters are required, ensure those who are providing the references are able to do so before the application deadline. To begin your application, the link to the online application portal is on this page:

In conclusion, if you are a law student or a member of the legal profession whose career involves the forensic sciences, we highly encourage you to take the steps necessary to become a member of the Jurisprudence Section. It is a worthwhile endeavor for developing your career and promoting your profile. We encourage you to apply by the October 1 deadline!


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