HHRRC Grants Proposal Submission Information
The Forensic Sciences Foundation Humanitarian and Human Rights Resource Center (FSF HHRRC) seeks to to promote the application of contemporary forensic science and forensic medicine principles to global humanitarian and/or human rights projects requiring special forensic assistance.
The Center also provides support to AAFS members engaged in human rights and/or humanitarian forensic applications and encourages AAFS members to increase their involvement in such matters. As well as the assistance provided, AAFS members are likely to develop their own personal and professional skills in undertaking this work.
All proposals should be submitted to the HHRRC Chair, Dawnie Steadman, via email osteo@utk.edu.
Submission Requirements
Proposals for support must be made or sponsored by AAFS members, or by non-members who seek the involvement of AAFS specialists/experts. Proposals can originate from organizations such as medicolegal institutes, forensic services within police units, humanitarian organizations, or universities involved in teaching forensic science/forensic medicine, and have an AAFS member associated with the proposed work. All proposals for support will be discussed and evaluated by Chair Steadman and members of the International Advisory Council. Approved proposals involving requests for equipment will be forwarded to the equipment subcommittee for further evaluation.
Proposals can include, and are not limited to, support for training, research applied to humanitarian and/or human rights projects, training materials and equipment, advisory services, as well as exchange of expertise, including that provided by AAFS members. Proposals may also include requests for access to the Journal of Forensic Sciences and/or the AAFS Annual Meeting Proceedings and support to attend an AAFS Annual Meeting. Proposals are especially welcomed that relate to the development of projects within the country of proposal origin.
Support for travel and per diem expenses, where required, will not exceed the amounts recognized by the U.S. government for the cities involved. No requests for salaries will be considered, reflecting the humanitarian, volunteer spirit of this initiative. Similarly, institutional overhead costs cannot be included. The Center also will not support individual fellowships to study abroad or costs of routine DNA analysis.
Proposals for HHRRC support that list an international advisory council (IAC) member as Principal Investigator, Co-Principal Investigator, or Contact Person will not be considered. Proposals that involve an IAC member in any capacity other than Principal Investigator, Co-Principal Investigator, or Contact Person may be considered for HHRRC support. IAC members involved with a proposal should not participate in the consideration of the proposal, including the discussion or voting on the proposal, but may respond to questions about the proposal. Apart from responding to specific questions, all other communication about the proposal should be through the listed Contact Person on the proposal, not the involved IAC member.
Requests for equipment support should consider cost and regulations (including country taxes) regarding transport.
In general, the Center will consider requests for support that total less than $10,000 U.S. Requests for funding exceeding this limit must present extraordinary arguments.
All proposals must be written in English.