Forensic Technology Center of Excellence

FTCOE Virtual Library



Poster Sessions

2024 AAFS HHRRC Poster Session
The Humanitarian and Human Rights Resource Center's in-person Poster Session was held on February 20, 2024, at the 76th AAFS Annual Scientific Conference in Denver, Colorado. Attendance required conference registration. For those who could not attend in-person, a virtual poster library is included on the FTCOE website here. A selection of digital PDF posters along with short audio/video presentations from HHRRC poster session participants are accessible below and will remain archived on the website as a virtual library for future viewing purposes.

Click here to view the virtual poster library and learn about the application of forensic science to investigate humanitarian and human rights injustices!

2023 AAFS HHRRC Poster Session
The Humanitarian and Human Rights Resource Center's in-person Poster Session was held on February 14, 2023, at the 75th AAFS Annual Scientific Conference in Orlando, Florida. Attendance required conference registration. For those who could not attend in-person, a virtual poster library is included on the FTCOE website here. This virtual library, which includes digital posters and short video presentations, is free to attend and will remain archived on the FTCOE website for future viewing purposes.

Click here to view the virtual poster library and learn about the application of forensic science to investigate humanitarian and human rights injustices!

2022 AAFS HHRRC Poster Session
The Humanitarian and Human Rights Resource Center hybrid virtual and in-person Poster Session was held on February 22, 2022. The virtual Poster Session, which included a digital poster and a short video presentation, was free to attend and is available on the FTCOE website. The in-person poster session was hosted at the 2022 AAFS Annual Scientific Conference in Seattle, Washington and required registration to the conference in order to attend.

Click here to view the poster session and learn about the application of forensic science to investigate humanitarian and human rights injustices!

2021 AAFS HHRRC Virtual Poster Session
The Humanitarian and Human Rights Resource Center Virtual Poster Session was hosted on February 16, 2021 as part of the 2021 Virtual AAFS Annual Scientific Meeting. This Poster Session was an open meeting where attendees were able to virtually interact and ask questions to HHRRC researchers to learn more about the important projects funded by the AAFS HHRRC.

Click here to view the virtual poster session showcasing materials and a special message from the HHRRC chair Dr. Dawnie Steadman!

2020 AAFS HHRRC Poster & Networking Session
The inaugural Humanitarian and Human Rights Resource Center Poster and Networking Session was hosted on February 18th at the 2020 AAFS Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaheim, CA. This Poster Session was an open meeting where over 200 attendees met HHRRC researchers and mentors in the field to learn about the application of forensic science to investigate humanitarian and human rights injustices.

Click here to view the virtual poster session showcasing materials and a special message from the HHRRC chair Dr. Dawnie Steadman!


DNA Identification

Online Resources

Journal Articles

Forensic Anthropology

Online Resources


  •  Blau S, Ubelaker DH, editors. 2016. 2nd edition. Handbook of forensic anthropology and archaeology. New York: Rutledge
  • Brogdon BG, Vogel H, McDowell JD. A radiological atlas of abuse, torture, terrorism and inflicted trauma. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2003.
  • Dirkmaat D, editor. A companion to forensic anthropology. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
  • Dupras TL, Schultz JJ, Wheeler SM, Williams LJ. Forensic recovery of human remains: archaeological approaches. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2011.
  • Komar DA, Buikstra JE. Forensic anthropology: contemporary theory and practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • Ferllini R. Forensic archaeology and human rights violations. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas, 2007.
  • Haglund WD, Sorg MH, editors. Advances in forensic taphonomy, method, theory and archaeological perspectives. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2001.
  • Hinton AL. Transitional justice: global mechanisms and local realities after genocide and mass violence. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2010.
  • Jerez-Farran C, Amago S. Unearthing Franco's legacy. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame, 2010.
  • Joyce C, Stover E. Witnesses from the grave: the stories bones tell. New York: Ballentine Books, 1992.
  • Kimmerle EH, Baraybar JP. Skeletal trauma: identification of injuries resulting from human rights abuse and armed conflict. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2008.
  • Rosenblatt A. Digging for the disappeared: Forensic science after atrocity. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2015.
  • Sanford V. Buried secrets: Truth and human rights in Guatemala. Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
  • Stover E, Peress G. The graves: Srebrenica and Vukovar. Scalo, 1998.
  • Verdery K. The political lives of dead bodies: reburial and postsocialist change. New York: Columbia Univeristy, 1999.
  • Wagner S. To know where he lies: DNA technology and the search for Srebrenica's missing. Oakland: University of California Press, 2008.

Journal Articles

  •  Congram D, Ambika F, Maeyama K. Ignorance is not bliss: Evidence of human rights violations from Civil War Spain. Annals of Anthropological Practice 2014 May;38(1):43-64.
  • Ferllini R. Forensic anthropology: The development of human rights investigations since 1945. Science & Justice 2003; 43(4):219-224.
  • Furguson PR."If a picture paints a thousand words': The development of human identification techniques in forensic anthropology and their implications for human rights in the criminal process. The International Journal of Evidence & Proof 2013 Jan;17(2):127-156.
  • Hunter JR, Brickley MB, Bourgeois J, Bouts W, Bourguignon L, Hubrecht F et al. Forensic archaeology, forensic anthropology and human rights in Europe. Science & Justice 2001; 41(3):173-178.
  • Kimmerle EH, Himmelgreen D, Kedia S, editors. Practicing forensic anthropology: A human rights approach to the global problem of missing and unidentified persons. Annals of Anthropological Practice 2014 May;38(1)1-169.
  • Pringle H. Witness to genocide. Archaeology 2009 Jan/Feb;62(1):28-35, 64, 65.
  • Rosenblatt A. Forensic investigations and the human rights of the dead. Human Rights Quarterly 2010 Nov;32(4):921-950.
  • Steadman D, Haglund W. The scope of anthropological contributions to human rights investigations. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2005; 50(1):23-30.


  •  Bones, Ghosts and Human Rights: How Science Can Further Justice (minutes) 2014 lecture by Luis Fondebrider at the University of Saskatchewan.
  • Buried Secrets: Mass Graves of Guatemala (60 minutes) 2004 New Dominion Pictures; features the work of anthropologists uncovering mass graves of Mayan villagers who were victims of Guatemala's 30-year civil war.
  • Following Antigone (39 minutes), Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team, 2002 PBS Television; Story of the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (EAAF) and their work in Argentina, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Haiti, and East Timor.
  • In the Name of the State: When Might Makes Right (48 minutes) 2002, Films Media Group; profiles various cases of state-sanctioned terrorism (Iran, Argentina, Nicaragua); includes the work of forensic anthropologist Luis Fondebrider.
  • Physicians for Human Rights (5 minutes) Dr. Haglund testifying at trial of Radovan Karadzic.
  • Unearthing Evil: Archaeology in the Cause of Justice (28 minutes) 2000, Films Media Group; features the work of Richard Wright in the Ukraine and Bosnia.

Forensic Nursing Health and Law

Online Resources


  •  Burgess AW. Violence Through a Forensic Lens, 2nd ed. Nursing Spectrum, 2000.
  • Connolly M, Ward T. Morals, rights and practice in the human services: Effective and fair decision making in health, social care and criminal justice. Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2007.
  • Constantino RE, Crane P, Young S. Forensic Nursing:  Evidence-Based Principles and Practice. F. A. Davis Company, 2012.
  • Crowley, Sharon R. 1999. Sexual Assault: The Medical- Legal Examination. New York: McGraw-Hill/Appleton & Lange, 1999.
  • DiMaio, D, DiMaio VJM. Forensic Pathology, 2nd edition. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2001.
  • Garbacz B, Donna M, Gabriel S. Forensic Nursing: A Concise Manual. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2009.
  • Girardin, BW. Color Atlas of Sexual Assault. St Louis: Mosby, 1997.
  • Hammer, RA, Moynihan, B, Pagiliaro EM. Forensic Nursing: A Handbook for Practice, 2nd edition. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2011.
  • Holmes RM, Holmes ST. Fatal Violence. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2010.
  • Humphreys, J, Campbell JC. Family Violence and Nursing Practice, 2nd ed. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2010.
  • Koehler SA, Brown PA. Forensic Epidemiology. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2009.
  • Lindler LE, Lebeda FJ, Korch GW, editors. Biological Weapons Defense: Infectious Diseases and Conterbioterrorism. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 2005.
  • Lynch VA, Duval JB. Forensic Nursing Science, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Health Sciences, 2010.
  • Mitchell C, Anglin D. Intimate Partner Violence. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
  • Olshaker JS, Jackson CM, Smock WS. Forensic Emergency Medicine, 2nd edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 2006.
  • Saferstein R. Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science, 11th ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2014.
  • Sattler JM. Clinical and forensic interviewing of children and families: Guidelines for the mental health, education, pediatric and child maltreatment fields. Jerome M Sattler, 1997.
  • Stark MM. Clinical Forensic Medicine, 2nd ed. New York: Humana Press, 2005.
  • Thompson H J, Alexy E. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America: Violence, Injury & Trauma. Philadelphia: Elsevier Health Sciences, 2006.

Journal Articles

  •  Duma S, Ogunbanjo GA. Forensic documentation of intimate partner violence in primary health care. South African Family Practice 2004;46(4):37-40.
  • Geiger HJ, Cook-Deegan RM. The role of physicians in conflicts and humanitarian crises. Case studies from the field missions of Physicians for Human Rights, 1988 to 1993. Journal of the American Medical Association 1993 Aug 4;270(5):616-20.
  • Kerr E, Cottee C, Chowdhury R, Jawad R, Welch J. The Haven: A pilot referral centre in London for cases of serious sexual assault. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2003 Mar;110(3):267-71.
  • Mccracken LM. Living forensics: a natural evolution in emergency care. Accident and emergency nursing 1999 Oct;7(4):211-6.
  • Moulton AD, Gottfried RN, Goodman RA, Murphy AM, Rawson RD. What is public health legal preparedness? Journal of Law and Medical Ethics 2003 Winter;31(4):672-83.
  • Richards EP. Collaboration between public health and law enforcement: The constitutional challenge. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2002;8(10)
  • Werner D, Wright K, Thomas M, Edgar M. An innovation in partnership among first responders and public health: Bridging the gap. Public Health Reports 2005;120(Suppl 1):64-68.



  •  Hard to Believe (94 minutes) Swoop Films; Documentary about organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience in China.
  • Obstacles to Justice: Accountability for Human Rights Violations in Guatemala (72 minutes) 2012, story of Óscar Ramírez, a survivor of the 1982 Dos Erres massacre in Guatemala as a child, living in the United States and applying for political asylum.
  • Prisoners and Human Rights Challenges (71 minutes) 2013, Discussion at Castan Centre for Human Rights Law regarding potential and challenges related to protecting human rights of prisoners in the Australian prison system with Kim Page, Debbie Kilroy and Bronwyn Naylor.

Forensic Science & Human Rights

Online Resources

Journal Articles


  •  Identifying the missing: Forensic Investigations of Human Rights Violations (63 minutes) 2010, Thomas S. Foley Institute featuring the work of geneticist Christian Orrego Benavente, Director of Forensic Programs at the Human Rights Center, University of California Berkely School of Law.
  • The future of human rights technology (84 minutes) 2014, Panel discussion from Roosevelt House, Public Policy Institute at Hunter College.
  • The Judge and The General. Directed by Elisabeth Farnsworth. PBS Point of View, 2008. Demonstrates use of forensic sciences as part of human rights fact-finding in criminal investigation of General Pinochet of Chile.
  • Srebrenica forensic specialist: grieving process can start now Ratko Mladic is on trialThe Telegraph, 16 May, 2012.  Video news clip and footage of forensic investigation at time of Mladic's arrest.

PDF Downloads

Mass Graves

Journal Articles

Multidisciplinary Investigations

Journal Articles

Standards in Human Rights and Forensic Science

Online Resources

  •  Human Rights Advocacy and the History of International Human Rights Standards
    University of Michigan website for "instructors, students, advocates (practitioners) and researchers interested in the standard-setting advocacy work of the international human rights movement and the intellectual history of contemporary international human rights policy." Includes information and resources for forensic evidence and human rights reporting.
  • Forensic Science Standards Organization
    National Institute of Standards and Technology standards, guidelines and code of practice for forensic science.

Forensic Photography

Online Resources


  •  Duncan CD. Advanced Crime Scene Photography, 2nd ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2015.
  • Dutelle AW. 2015. Basic Crime Scene Photography, 2nd ed. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015.
  • Jones P. 2011. Practical Forensic Digital Imaging: Applications and Techniques. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2011.
  • Marin N, Buszka J. Alternate Light Source Imaging: Forensic Photography Techniques. New York: Routledge, 2013.
  • Marsh N. Forensic Photography: A Practitioners Guide. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, 2014.
  • Redsicker DR. The Practical Methodology of Forensic Photography, 2nd ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2000.
  • Robinson EM. Crime Scene Photography, 2nd ed. Academic Press, 2010.
  • Weiss SL. Forensic Photography: The Importance of Accuracy. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2008.

National Institute of Justice
