Pay Annual Membership Dues
AAFS values its diverse membership and their many contributions that enhance the success of the organization. As an incentive, AAFS offers drawings annually for complimentary dues as a thank you for dues payment before the December 31 deadline. Please note that up to 10% of annual dues is allocated to the individual sections, your timely dues payment not only helps in the planning for AAFS but your section as well. Applicants will receive their first dues invoice after official Board approval (February and July). Review membership benefits HERE.
Dues Per the AAFS Policy and Procedure Manual
4.3. DUES
DUES OBLIGATION OF MEMBERS AND AFFILIATES: The annual dues period shall be the calendar year January 1 to December 31. The late fee schedule shall be: 31-60 days past due is 10% of the annual dues; 61-90 days past due is 20% of the annual dues; 91+ days is 30% of annual dues. Members and Affiliates whose dues are not paid prior to April 1 of each year shall be dropped for non-payment of dues. Members and Affiliates who have been dropped may renew their status prior to the end of the calendar year in which they were dropped upon payment of their outstanding dues balance. Billing for dues will consist of a minimum of two notices: September and December. The annual membership dues are nonrefundable. Reference AAFS Bylaws: Article I., Section 5.
Former Members and Affiliates may apply for reinstatement within three (3) years of lapsed membership. After approval, the former Member or Affiliate shall be invoiced for all outstanding dues, including the 30% late fee for each year of lapsed membership. The previous Member or Affiliate status shall be restored upon payment in full.
If you have any questions regarding dues or the late fee schedule, please contact Heather Jefferson at hjefferson@aafs.org or 719.453.1027.