Student Affiliate Scholarship
The Forensic Sciences Foundation (FSF) will fund a limited number of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) Student Affiliate registrations for the AAFS Annual Scientific Conference through a "Scholarship Program."
Eligibility and Submission Requirements:
- Both the submitter and presenter must be a Student Affiliate.
- Eligibility is not dependent on the abstract's acceptance for the program.
- Oral and poster presentations are eligible for the scholarship.
- Academic faculty may be listed as a co-author, but may not be the submitting author or a presenter. The scholarship will be presented to the first named author on the paper.
- If more than one Student Affiliate Member is listed as a co-author on the paper, only one $100 scholarship per paper will be given. The primary student author may choose to split the $100 by sharing a portion of the award with the other author; however, AAFS will only provide funds to the primary author.
- Only the Student Affiliate Member whose name appears on the paper will be allowed to make the presentation if it is selected for the scholarship.
AAFS Student Affiliates must submit an abstract for the AAFS conference program through the online submission system. Click Yes when asked, "Is the abstract a candidate for the FSF Student Affiliate Scholarship Award?" Applicants for the Student Affiliate Scholarship may apply only once each year (e.g., the applicant must designate only one abstract as the Student Affiliate Scholarship entry in the submission system). The abstract will then be reviewed by the FSF Student Affiliate Scholarship Committee.
The scholarship abstracts need not be selected for presentation at the conference, though this could be deemed advantageous by the selection committee.
Submission Deadline:
The abstract submission deadline is August 1.