ASB Technical Report 012 - Recirculation

Technical Report on the Articulation of the Reasoning and Foundational Principles Behind Friction Ridge Examinations

First Edition
Technical Report
Consensus Body: Friction Ridge
Open for Comment

ASB Deadline: August 26, 2024

Please download the template for comments and return it to the ASB ( by the close of the comment period.



Based on feedback received from commenters and consensus body members, this document was discontinued as a Best Practice Recommendation and reformulated as a Technical Report. 

Due to the substantial changes in document type, scope, and content, it has been reissued for public comment in its entirety. 

The reader should review the Updated Document in its entirety (i.e., consider this as a new document). Comments will be considered for all portions of the Updated Document when commenters follow the ASB process of comment submission.

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