Toxicology Section Call for Award Nominations

Source: Jennifer M. Colby PhD, Toxicology Section Awards and Scholarships Committee Chair

The Toxicology Section's awards and scholarships offer an enviable way to recognize the achievements and contributions of our distinguished colleagues and promising students. Nominations and all accompanying supporting information are due on August 1, 2023.

The Alexander O. Gettler Award — Analytical Achievement in Forensic Toxicology

  • This award is bestowed for analytical achievement in forensic toxicology. This may include the development of a new, novel, or "landmark" method that has been published and used by the profession extensively and/or a constellation of numerous methods as noted by multiple publications or presentations.

The Rolla N. Harger Award — Outstanding Contributions in Forensic Toxicology

  • This award is given for outstanding contributions in forensic toxicology. This may include an educational advancement of the profession in addition to analytical achievement.

The Ray Abernethy Award — Outstanding Forensic Toxicology Practitioner

  • This award is bestowed upon an outstanding forensic toxicology practitioner. This award is specifically intended to acknowledge persons who have made significant contributions to forensic toxicology "at the bench."

The Irving Sunshine Award — Outstanding Research by a Young Investigator

  • This award is given for outstanding research by a young investigator in forensic toxicology. This award aims to acknowledge contributions made to the profession in the early stages of the recipient's career or within the first seven years of completing their highest educational degree. The nominee should be a Member or Associate Member at the time of the nomination. The recipient also receives a stipend in accordance with the Awards and Scholarship Committee recommendations.

Best Poster Award

  • The goal of this award is to encourage students and less experienced toxicologists to become members of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and to participate in the AAFS Annual Scientific Conference. Membership (at any level) in the Toxicology Section of the AAFS is required. If the presenting author is not a member at the time of abstract submission, a membership application must be submitted along with the abstract. The presenting author must be a student or have worked in the field of forensic toxicology for no more than five years at the time of submission. The abstract must be submitted on the official AAFS form by the official deadline and will be subject to acceptance determination by the Toxicology Section Program Chair. The submitting author must notify this year's Toxicology Section Program Chair, Mandi Mohr (, that he/she would like his/her presentation considered for the award. The submitting author must present the poster at the AAFS conference. Please note that research projects funded by the award sponsor(s) and current full-time employees of the award sponsor(s) are not eligible for this award. The winner will receive a certificate of recognition from the Toxicology Section along with a $1,000 award.

The June K. Jones Scholarship

  • This scholarship is given in support of the research of students pursuing advanced degrees. Eligibility criteria specify that the experimental work must pertain directly to problems in forensic or analytical toxicology and that non-members of the AAFS and foreign students are eligible, providing the applicant is a student attending a university recognized in the United States and that the mentor is a Member or Fellow of the Toxicology Section. Up to two scholarships of $1,000 each may be awarded each year.

As you can tell, there are indeed numerous ways to recognize our field's high achievers and to encourage newer scientists and students to join us within the Academy. Please contact our Awards and Scholarships Committee Chair, Jen Colby (, who will be happy to guide you through the nominating process to ensure our Section recognizes those already making it a great Section and invites and welcomes new and promising talent within our midst. Nominations and all accompanying supporting information should be sent to the Awards and Scholarships Committee Chair by August 1, 2023.


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