Seeking Participants for the Inaugural AAFS General Section Mentor/Mentee Program

Source: Gina Londino-Smolar, MS, Section Secretary

WHAT: As a diverse section within the Academy, we are hoping to connect individuals in similar disciplines, career goals, and experiences with one another — those folks who have done the job for 15+ years with those who are looking for their start.  If you are interested in being a mentor or mentee in the General Section program, please complete this survey:  ​General Section Mentor/Mentee Program Interest Survey

HOW: The General Section leadership will review the information you provide and pair up those with similar backgrounds, hoping to align individuals early in their careers with more experienced individuals within the same discipline.  ​

WHEN: Matching mentor and mentee pairs will be shared by December 1.  ​

ALSO: There will be a networking event before the General Section business meeting in Denver, CO, in February 2024. However, the Mentor/Mentee Program (M&M Program) will be open to all General Section members, regardless of attending the annual conference. ​

PLEASE: Forward this form to those who you think may be interested in participating in this program and complete the link by November 1 to be best matched in the M&M Program. 



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