Scholarship and Grant Opportunities – Abstracts Now Being Accepted

Source: Jason Paroff, JD, DMS Sponsorship Committee

The Sponsorship Committee of the Digital & Multimedia Sciences (DMS) Section would like to advise all DMS Section members that there are numerous scholarship and grant opportunities available on the Forensic Sciences Foundation (FSF) website, and they are now accepting applications and abstracts for these opportunities. These awards, grants, and scholarships include:

  • Student Affiliate Scholarship that funds a limited number of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) Student Affiliate registrations for the AAFS Annual Scientific Conference. Potential award amount of a limited number of the AAFS Student Affiliate registrations for the AAFS Annual Scientific Conference plus $100 per paper for the primary author (which can be split with any co-authors). Deadline: August 1
  • Emerging Forensic Scientist Award that is presented to the author of the best paper on any topic focusing on the reliability and validity of techniques, processes, or methods in a forensic area of the author's choice. Potential award amount includes an AAFS conference registration and up to $1,000 for airfare and lodging while in attendance at the annual conference (not to exceed five nights), and up to $75 per diem. Deadline: August 1
  • Student Travel Grants that offer up to $1,500 per student to assist with travel expenses in attending the AAFS Annual Scientific Conference in February. Potential award amount up to $1,500.  Deadline: October 15

Please read the FSF grant submission requirements carefully and note that many may require at least one abstract submission, and some require the applicant to have AAFS applicant, Student Affiliate, or Trainee Affiliate status. Should you or someone you know be interested in applying for any of the above, you can do so here: If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please contact the Academy here:


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