Participate on a Jurisprudence Section Committee!
We are seeking section members who will be willing to serve on the Jurisprudence Section Committees. The committees are:
- AWARDS COMMITTEE. This committee consists of the three (3) most recent past section chairs and two (2) Fellows or Members appointed by the current section chair. The duty of this committee is to select a Fellow to receive the Harold A. Feder Jurisprudence Section Award. However, the committee is not required to select a recipient every year.
- MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE. This committee consists of at least three (3) persons appointed by the section chair. The committee shall consist of at least one (1) Fellow and one (1) Member. The Membership Committee is charged with developing programs to promote membership recruitment and retention.
- NOMINATING COMMITTEE. This committee consists of at least three (3) persons who are Associate Members, Members, Fellows, Retired Fellows, or Retired Members appointed by the section chair to submit nominations for section chair, section secretary, and Board of Directors representative. Recommendations for appointments of the program and co-chair may also be made. Nominations shall be submitted to the chair by August 1 of the year preceding the annual conference in which the award is to be presented.
Please email if you are interested in serving on one of these committees. I would like to finalize the appointments by April 1, 2025. Participation on Section committees is valuable to future promotion in the Academy.
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