JFS Migrates to New Manuscript Submission Platform

Author experience continues to be a key focus for the Journal of Forensic Sciences (JFS). To further that focus, the JFS Editorial Office worked with Wiley to migrate to a new manuscript submission platform called Research Exchange (ReX). ReX is designed to make the manuscript submission process easier and more author friendly, and in turn reduce the time it takes authors to submit manuscripts. The migration was completed on March 19, 2025. The new JFS manuscript submission platform URL is: wiley.atyponrex.com/journal/JFO.
ReX also provides additional screening tools for the JFS Editorial Office to determine the quality and scope of manuscript submissions, as well as to help ensure integrity and ethical publishing. The goals of the additional tools are to improve operational efficiency and editorial workflows.
The JFS Leadership is excited about launching the new author facing submission platform, ReX, and welcomes feedback. Thank you for your continued support of JFS and its initiatives. For questions, please contact JFS Managing Editor Brenda Peat at bpeat@aafs.org.
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