Criminalistics Section Seeking Liaisons to ASB Consensus Bodies
The Criminalistics Section is looking for Members and Fellows (including Retired) who are interested in serving as liaisons to the following AAFS Standards Board (ASB) Consensus Bodies: Bloodstain Pattern Analysis, DNA, Firearms/Toolmarks, and Footwear/Tire.
The liaisons represent the interests of the Criminalistics Section membership on any of the standards under development by that Consensus Body (CB). Each term is two years with the option for a second term. Liaisons are expected to participate in the monthly CB conference calls (as non-voting observers), read and comment on documents under development, and provide regular updates to the Criminalistics Section Chair. Information about these positions can be found in Section 7.5.2.V.D of the AAFS Policy and Procedure Manual.
If you are keen to be involved in the improvement of our field, please consider serving in this capacity. Contact Kristy Kadash ( with your interest. The Criminalistics Section Nominating Committee will recommend individuals to the Section Chair, and appointments will be made during the 2023 Criminalistics Section Annual Business Meeting.
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