Committee Corner—Presidential Ad Hoc Committee on Committee Nominations
During his term, AAFS Past President Carl McClary formed the Ad Hoc Committee on Committee Nominations with the goal of examining and improving the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) processes for committee membership selection, specifically to increase diversity, inclusion, and outreach among AAFS members who may be willing and interested in taking a more active role in the AAFS. AAFS President Laura Fulginiti has agreed to continue this Committee with the hopes of increasing the number of members serving the AAFS.
The AAFS has approximately 50 committees with over 500 positions available for member participation. In the past term, this committee has worked along with AAFS Staff to facilitate member involvement.
At the AAFS Annual Conference in Seattle, we announced the creation of a "committee interest" tab within the member portal, which will automatically populate a database with the name and contact information of interested persons. Members can express their interest in serving on any of the Academy-wide or Section Committees by logging into the member portal and navigating to the "Committee Interest" tab on the left-hand side of the webpage. There you will find a checklist of available committees that will be notified of your willingness to serve.
The Ad Hoc Committee is planning more outreach efforts for 2022–2023 in hopes of generating more interest from our diverse body of membership!
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