Board Box—December 2022
The AAFS Board of Directors (BOD) met this week for our bimonthly meeting. We had a packed agenda with many updates and decisions.
- The minutes from four previous Board of Directors/Executive Committee meetings were approved.
- Report: Ken Melson represented AAFS at a listening session by invitation of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Director Nancy LaVigne. He was able to share our goals for the coming year with emphasis on standards and how we can dovetail with social scientists to accomplish our priorities for funding. There were 65 organizations represented, including AAFS and CFSO. He felt he was able to effectively communicate our funding priorities and that his presentation was well-received.
- The BOD approved sending a by-laws change to the membership for a vote in February. The change will be to add Professional Affiliate to the exceptions for section assignment as individuals in this category will not be assigned to a specific section.
- Section webinar ideas: The Directors were asked to relay to section members a request for potential webinar content for AAFS Connect. This is a potential revenue source for AAFS, and we would like to drive more traffic to the AAFS Connect page, and the content offered there.
- The 75th Anniversary Conference is eight weeks away! Trey Weaver provided an update on the meeting. Registration is tracking positively, and he is confident we will hit our target.
- We have 26 potential workshops and two are sold out. Head over to the registration page to check out the offerings and sign up before they fill up. If you are unable to attend, don't forget they will be available on AAFS Connect after the meeting.
- The exhibit hall will be full this year with exhibitors and special areas including the return of the bark park (a place to pet and cuddle and ADOPT dogs — our goal is 75 adoptions in recognition of our 75th anniversary!). There will a member lounge for relaxing, catching up on email, or taking phone calls; the AAFS informational Pavilion; and an Exhibitor Showcase Stage. There will also be a food court with lunch options for busy attendees.
- Our room block is filling nicely, and we should meet our obligation so fingers crossed we will not be assessed a financial penalty for attrition.
- As part of our Fellow Appreciation, we will be offering coupons in Fellow meeting packets that will afford escalating discounts on swag from the AAFS store.
- Don't forget to submit items for the Silent Auction and to send historical items of interest to AAFS for the 8' x 30' "History Wall" that will be on display at the conference. Have old lanyards, pins, nametags, meeting bags, meeting programs, or other regalia you thought you would never need again? Send them in for inclusion in our recognition of AAFS history.
The views and opinions expressed in the articles contained in the Academy News are those of the identified authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Academy.