Awards, Scholarships, and Grants, Oh My!

Source: Tanisha Henson, JD, FSF Executive Committee Chair

Welcome to the wonderful world of awards, scholarships, and grants! Every year the Forensic Sciences Foundation (FSF) is proud to present multiple opportunities, each with their own deadline for application and submission requirements. As scientists, lawyers, and people who generally live by deadlines, details, and unique requirements, it should come as no surprise these opportunities would follow the same checklists. What does this mean for you, the future award, scholarship, and/or grant recipient? Keep reading!

All deadlinesboth date and timeare FIRM. Deadlines and details matter. Make sure you bookmark this and allow yourself plenty of time to account for ALL the requirements. Read the requirements carefully. You also want to make sure you give yourself plenty of time for questions and to get everything properly submitted. Don't miss out on an amazing opportunity because a deadline snuck up on you or because you overlooked a detail on the requirement list. 

Fun fact: The Forensic Sciences Foundation loves to present these awards, scholarships, and grants, and we never like to leave money on the table.

Now, let's dive into the opportunities available:

  1. The Field and Lucas Research Grants — deadline June 15.
  2. Jan Bashinski Criminalistics Graduate Thesis Assistance Grant — deadline July 31.
  3. Student Affiliate — deadline August 1.
  4. Emerging Forensic Scientist Award — deadline August 1.
  5. Student Travel Grant — deadline October 15.


June 15 Deadline

  1. The Field and Lucas Research Grants — DEADLINE: JUNE 15 at 11:59 p.m. MDT
    1. Please check out for more detailed information for this awesome opportunity.
    2. Did you know the Kenneth S. Field Grants (up to $1,500) AND the Douglas M. Lucas Grants ($1,501–$6,000) are available to help the investigator/researcher initiate original in-depth, problem-oriented research? There is up to $35,000 for both of these grants.
    3. Who qualifies?  Members and affiliates (at any level) of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS).
    4. Requirements
      1. An abstract — not to exceed three pages for Field Grants or five pages for Lucas Grants.
      2. A brief (no more than two pages total) literature review of not more than ten references. Do NOT include a reference cited page. This does NOT count toward the page requirement of the abstract.
      3. A detailed budget that categorizes acceptable budget line items — (1) consumables, (2) research travel, (3) equipment, and (4) meeting travel.
      4. A timetable and a specific plan for dissemination of results.
      5. Disclosure — current or previous FSF research grants awarded to any of the investigators.
      6. CVs from all involved — do NOT exceed three pages.
    5. Ready to submit?
      1. Please submit ALL OF THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION WITH THE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION for Field Grant or Lucas Grant Requirements electronically (with attachments in PDF format) to Kimberly Wrasse at
        1. I'm nervous/anxious, how do I know it's received? The FSF will confirm receipt of all submissions within two business days.
        2. Oh no! I don't have confirmation. What do I do? If confirmation is not received within two business days, the applicant should contact Kimberly Wrasse at
        3. OK, but when will I know if I received the grant? The FSF Research Committee will make its decision no later than October 1, and all applicants will be notified shortly thereafter.



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