Anthropology Section Winter Deadlines

Source: Teresa Wilson, PhD, Section Chair

I would like to remind you about the upcoming winter deadlines for multiple Section nominations/applications. All nomination/application materials may be emailed directly to me ( I have included a blurb about each upcoming award, but for detailed nomination, application, and selection requirements, please see the current AAFS Policy and Procedure Manual.

Program Co-Chair (December 15)
Nominations are open to Members and Fellows. Both self- nominations and nominations by other Section members are accepted. All nominations for the Program Committee shall include a CV and a brief statement of interest (600 words or less) highlighting the desire to serve in the position and qualifications to fulfill the role.

Board Representative (December 15)
Nomination for Section representative to the Board of Directors (BOD) is open to Fellows. Both self-nominations and nominations by other Section members are accepted. Nominations shall include a CV and a brief statement of interest (600 words or less) highlighting the desire to serve and qualifications to fulfill the role (see duties of Board of Directors 1.3.2).

T. Dale Stewart Award (January 1)
The T. Dale Stewart Award recognizes outstanding, career-long contributions to the field of forensic anthropology. The nominee must be a current, former, or retired Anthropology Section member, and the award may be given posthumously. The nominee may not have received the award previously. The nominator must be a current member of the Anthropology Section of the AAFS. Nominator may not be a current member of the T. Dale Stewart Award Selection Committee or a current Anthropology Section officer. Nominations consist of a recent copy of the nominee's CV and a brief narrative (~500 words) that highlights the nominee's outstanding lifetime contributions to forensic anthropology.

Student Liaison (January 15)
The role of the student liaison is to: (1) share with Section leadership and members their issues of interest and concern to the student members, (2) serve on the steering committee of the student forum, (3) share their ideas with Section leadership to increase student participation, (4) communicate with students and the student forum what is happening at the level of Section leadership and beyond, and (5) have the opportunity to share their findings with the Section at the annual business meeting. The successful candidate must be a graduate student and a Student Affiliate of the AAFS Anthropology Section at the time of application and through the duration of their appointment. At the time of nomination, they may have an application on file to become a Student Affiliate. Applications should include a CV, a cover letter providing details concerning their status in their degree program, and a short essay of 500 words or fewer indicating what they value as a student member of the AAFS and how they would promote students in the section.


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