AAFS Jurisprudence Section Leadership/Committee Positions

Source: J.D. Schmid, JD, Section Secretary

As you know, the Jurisprudence Section is composed of lawyers and judges who are involved in raising forensic science issues in their professional lives. Becoming more actively involved in the AAFS is a worthwhile endeavor for developing your career and networking with experts from your own profession or other forensic science disciplines. One way to become more involved is to run for a leadership position within our section or to join a committee. Read on if you are interested.

1. Jurisprudence Section Leadership and Committees

Below is an overview of opportunities within our section:

  • As section Chair, I am immediately creating a new Ad Hoc Awards Rules Committee. The committee will review the existing provisions of our Policies and Procedures Manual and make recommendations for changes that would improve the process of selecting recipients for the Harold A. Feder Jurisprudence Section Award. I will need any proposed amendments by the first week of January 2025.
  • The elected officers of the Jurisprudence Section are the chair, secretary, and AAFS Board of Directors representative. The election will be held during our section's Annual Business Meeting, which takes place during the AAFS Annual Scientific Conference in Baltimore on February 19, 2025.
  • There are also three standing committees: (1) Awards Committee, (2) Membership Committee, and (3) Nominating Committee. Members of these committees will be appointed during or shortly after our annual business meeting in February in Baltimore.

For more information on any of these positions, or if you are interested in running for a leadership position or joining any of these committees, please email me at TDHewitt@mckennahewitt.com.

2. Academy-Wide Committees

Are you interested in joining an Academy-wide committee? If so, complete the Committee Interest form on your membership account on the AAFS website. "Sign In," then go to "My Account" on the website. Scroll down to "Account Information" and click the "Committee Interest" link. A form will open, listing over 15 committees to choose from.

You can learn more about each of these committees in section 6. "Committee Activities" of the AAFS Policy and Procedure Manual available on the AAFS website HERE.

To see who are current members of each committee, go to the AAFS "Committees" Web Page at https://accounts.aafs.org/Committees.aspx.

Please contact me at TDHewitt@mckennahewitt.com with any questions or for more information on any of these positions.


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